Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Another Lie...

Watching the news (MSNBC, BTW), they ran a clip of President Bush from yesterday, saying there are millions of doses of flu vaccine available for elder and at risk citizens.

Interesting. Mainly because Monday I tried to track down a single dose of the vaccine. (Note: while not a senior, I do fall into that "high risk" category, thanks to some ongoing cardiac problems.) Doctors don't have any. Health department doesn't have any. The state health department's emergency hotline says there should be some vaccine in-state within the next several weeks.

Where are they keeping these "millions of doses"? A vault in the White House basement?

- Kim

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kim,
The CONgress has been giving its members Flu vaccine as, and I quote; "they are at high risk because they are required to shake hands". I guess they never learded that hand washing is a good way of preventing passing the Flu virus.

So I would look to D.C. for those thousands of vaccines.
