I've been doing a fair amount of reading this week:
How much failure will it take for this country for realize that George W. Bush is a security risk? How many weapons and explosives must slip into the hands of murderers? How many terrorist leaders must slip out of our grasp? How long will Osama Bin Laden sit laughing at Bush for his incompetence? I like to think I understand this country. But this one is beyond me. How can anyone take Bush seriously as Commander in Chief? The man is a coward, personally and professionally. He has done more to undermine the armed forces of this country than any president in American history. We are vulnerable as never before. And for some reason, Bush still gets credit for "leadership." - Siva Vaidhyanathan from today's Altercation.
The latest video tape of al Qaqaa unearthed by a local ABC affiliate and now picked up nationally seems like pretty much game, set, match.
Then there's the annoying trait of the Bush folks to take whatever his opponent says and twist it into some strange Orwellian version of "spin".
And, of course, here's what George thinks of You:
'Nuff said!
- Kim